Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I have a few things to blog about, but due to the amount of work that needs to always get done I cant do it all at once.

I was going to make this a really touching post. I didnt realize that there are people that read this blog, and it uplifts their day knowing someone is angrier about stupid things then they are. They reflect that maybe their life is not so bad. Well to one specific person I was going to put up the video of " Beautiful" by Christinia Aguilara to give this person some emotional uplift.

Well. I have never been so mad in my life. There is not one fat person in the whole video.

List of people that Christinia Aguilara thinks are beautiful:

1. An ugly man. Not just any ugly man, but an ugly man who thinks becoming a woman will help him in some way. Okie dokie. Fine

2. Gay People. Again the point has to really come across strongly. Half the video was these two guys making out. I was grossed out. But again this is part of the theme of the song, and Im not a basher or anything, but thats like soft core porn already.

3. An anorexic little girl. Every rib shows. I wonder where they got this girl from?
What do they say? Hey are there any anorexic girls that want to audition? do they look for the prettiest anorexic girl

And another things on that point, what a great message to send out to young bulemics.

You are beautiful like that. Dont let anyone tell you that you arent. You rock. Keep on starving yourself. Yes I know they meant to say that the person is beautiful and Anorexia is not the answer. But guess what a 14 year old that isnt eating doesnt have the best judgement, and might misunderstand that message just a tad.

4. A little punky skinny kid who wants to have muscles: Dude, first hit puberty then worry about muscles. Most men dont lift and have 16 packs. We have one big fanny pack and a couple of tires. Stop reading GQ. And really christy, do we need this message too? Oh that poor 11 year old doesnt think he is beautiful. Guess what? He was working out because the 17 year old bully that was left back 600 times is stealing his milk money everyday.

Advice to kid: When he is older you can swindle him out of all his money, if he has any. Though he might still be in 4th grade at that point.
or: bring the weights to school and use those to defend yourself.

5. The punky guy with the spikey hair: Um where do you people live? They are ugly?! That lady on the bus is moving away from him. Hahahahahahaha. There are 2 things people should know:

1) on a bus if the person doesnt smell or look like they have body lice, if everyone else moves away from him/her, you move closer. More room.
2) There are more people that look like that these days on the train anyways. She should have had a regular whitebread kid who looks "normal" and showed everyone moving away from him. I think they need the ego boost.

So the bottom line is: all those people are really beautiful, but MTV decided that the public could not deal with a fat person. I want to see a fat guy with every tire mark and jolly step he takes.

Now that I think about it the only fat people you see on that channel eat oxen you know what, and cover themselves in mayo and ketchup for 100 bucks.

I know now I know fat people = bad for ratings.

And another thing. Poor Christinia Aguilara. She isnt exactly ugly. I dont need a good looking person to tell me that Its ok to be ugly. She cranks out this song like she was abused by the world because of her ugliness. Im not saying she cant sing (like Brit Spears and co) but lets just say that there are more reasons then her voice that made her popular.

The writer of the song was probably ugly. She should have gotten Cher to sing it.

Edit: Perturbed Mom doesnt like that one, so Ill throw her another to balance out:
(though its less tznius and has a gay puppet in it, go figure)


Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

I can't watch the video after looking at that lady eew. Well if they put in fat ppl they would think no one would watch it, little do they know how much we admire the fat ppl in our lives or those that look and feel fat. I think you should edit the video have the same premise and add some fat ppl to make the message more real.

Tuesday, 11 July, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

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Tuesday, 11 July, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

Limey: I would love to know which guys you are into

SW: who thinks they are fat? Oh and no prob

Tuesday, 11 July, 2006  
Blogger kasamba said...

But fat people have more to love!

Not of course that I'd know....

Tuesday, 11 July, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

I don't know!

Tuesday, 11 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one more reason you should NOT be listening to Christinia Aguilara

let me introduce you to one of my favs

(now thats music! and they are beautiful too ;)

Tuesday, 11 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point well made, Celia Doris.
From now on, I vow to never be in any more "Beautiful" movies.

Tuesday, 11 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so? big deal. i bet they don't have bald people in the film either. or ones with buck teeth. or MPD. who cares. it's a song to motivate you - you're too frum to look at the video anyway.

Wednesday, 12 July, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

Kasamba: I have heard that somewhere before

Mommy: you are all knowing

three: They have some good stuff, but it aint good for shidduchim to be into devil worship. (;

HisB: Ye Im sure that was u. and Who is that? A freakish type?

angina: The guy/girl is bald, and the fat epidemic in the US is much larger then buck teeth. Thankyouverymuch.

Wednesday, 12 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i beg to differ. just because no one makes a big deal of buck teeth doesn't mean it's an epidemic resulting in many, many ugly people.

Wednesday, 12 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wednesday, 12 July, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

I did a double take was that me, mommy? Oh thanks for the compliment. So who thinks they are fat?

Wednesday, 12 July, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

Angelic: Ehh obesity is the number one cause of people feeling that they are worthless. It should have been in the video.

limey: Sorry!!!!!!!1 I confused you with kas. (kas is female right?)

mommy: I dunno. Who's co-workers think they are pregnant?

Wednesday, 12 July, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

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Thursday, 13 July, 2006  

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