Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Things that can be done with 500 bucks.

Recently I have departed with 500 dollars.
I received nothing.
Im slightly upset by this as you can imagine.
People are telling me that it is only 500, and what could I have done with the money?Well Ill give you the top ten:
1o) 500 black and white cookies.
9) 1000 white half black and white cookies
8) 2000 black half of the black and white cookies
7) 300 black and white cookies with peanut butter sandwich
6)250 black and white cookies with peanut butter and marshmellow fluff sandwhich
5)400 Smores black and white cookie sandwhiches
4) 6000 blue and white cookies from Yom Haatzmot on sale in most yesheivish bakeries- still.
3) 300,000 pink and white cookies
2) 5 Black and white cookies and 25 dougies all you can eat meals.
1) 1 Magenta, white, and toupe cookie. Its worth it
1a) 3 therapy sessions.
Yes I need comfort food.

Just another quick thought:
Have the readers Digest editors lost their minds, or does this prove what I feel during blackouts and strikes. (Ok the second blackout, the first one was only practice).

Take a look at this from the readers D:

So, which city emerged as the most polite and which as the rudest? Here’s what we discovered: The Top Three: New York, Zurich, TorontoThey have a reputation for being big-headed, but New Yorkers showed they are big-hearted, too, by finishing first in our global courtesy ratings. They placed in the top five in all three tests and were particularly polite when it came to holding doors open, with only two people failing to do so.“I don’t even think about it,” said syndications assistant Kirsten Chieco, who held the door of one of the Starbucks coffee shops where the tests were done. “Most New Yorkers are courteous.”Surprised? Not former Mayor Ed Koch. Asked to react to our findings, Koch pointed to a rise in New York niceness since the terrorist attacks on the city five years ago. “After 9/11, New Yorkers are more caring. They understand the shortness of life.”

Im not sure if we appreciate the shortness of life because of 9-11 though. Try crossing the street or driving through the city one time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't have a chance to really read this yet, but I just thought I'd tell you how I think of money. It's how I've always thought, since I was a little kid in elementary school, where soda cans in the machine were 50 cents. Since then, $5 became 10 soda cans, and so on.
I once accidentally asked the teller at the bank if I could draw out 150 soda cans. You can imagine that she looked at me a bit strangely.
But then again, everyone looks at me strangely.
Sorry for posting this random thought before I read your post.

Tuesday, 20 June, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

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Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

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Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

You too? Great.

HisB. 50 cents!!!!!!!!!! Wow.

Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

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Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

You are also my diet guru. Its fine. Thanks. *Munch munch*

Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

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Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

Yes perturbed mommy.

Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

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Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger Scraps said...

1) Clearly they did not conduct this test in Flatbush or BP. Jewish NYers are ruder than average NYers, IMO.

2) $500=about a month's rent for me. I'd say that having a place to live for a month is important, and G-d knows I could never eat that many black and white cookies anyway.

Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

scraps: I tend to agree with that. I wonder why thats true? Maybe because everyone has their own "clicks", i cal it the girls high school effect.

500 hundy for rent? Where do I sign??

Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger Rivky said...

why is the black cheaper if it tastes better?
its a good thing you lost that money then. now you can't eat all those cookies.

Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

Trix: First of all the chocolate is in no way better, but it does add to the specialness of the white. (i cant belive Im explainng this) Its like eating the bottom of the cupcake b4 the top.

Wednesday, 21 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think of all the food you wont be eating now. Aint that comforting?

Thursday, 22 June, 2006  
Blogger Rivky said...

fine, so we can split them.I get black, you get white. I personally don't think white is worth the calories usually. black is.

Saturday, 24 June, 2006  

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