Thursday, May 04, 2006


So i need a new cellphone plan. T-mobile has great customer service. woopie. Verizon here i come. The most important thing about the service is the service. When i cant talk to people in my own house, thats a problem.

I thought I could make decisions. I cant. All I had to do was choose a phone. I only wanted a flip. The non flips screen that i had was so scratched up, i could barely see the glow of the backlight. So i boiled it down to two phones that would cost me an extra fidy bucks. Now before you say that 50 bucks is alot, think about it. 2 years. 2 long years of dropping it, pretending to be on it, dropping it in the toilet, davening mincha into tell me with it. Yelling IM IMPORTANT into it.

2 years is a looong time to be with that phone. You want to cheap out now? I know I know thats 50 black and white cookies. (with inflation maybe less now, nebach). Think about how many pictures you could take with it. Yes I want a camera.

So i settled on the LG vx8100 or the samsung sch a950. Theyare both the same phone pretty much. The problem is that flips are thicker, and that does not bode well for me. I look like im carrying a piece in my pocket. My pants are so tight with that phone i need something thinner.

So i was scrolling down the phones and I saw it "the razr" [chime the music.]

With the razr I could be cool. Me, cool. I can have a sleek, skinny(what more important then that) "in" phone. Of course in two years it will be outdated, but whose counting. Anyways the black razr was 150 bucks. Yeah, no. Maybe for a 20 years plan. Maybe. The pink razr was 70. Uh oh. Thats close to 50. I was in a quandry. I could get the pink one. The pink would mark me as very attractive and self confident in my manliness. It would also get way to many stares. I do not want my phone attracting attention. Ok I just lied. Just not that type of attention.(Why else would I create this blog anyways???)

I thought about getting a cover for it. But i read a review on the phone, and it doesnt turn off. Plus when it has a low battery it beeps. It frigging beeps. I never charge my phone, and I turn it off. I dont want calls at 300 am. Or at 12:00 for that matter.

But its soooooooooooo thin.

Oh did i mention i dont know how to use technology? The other phones have V cast, mp3 and other things that i wont be able to use. Well if my sis says its cool, its cool. (I feel like my grandparents when they were buying their toaster.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh. you put this up for me? shouldn't have.

now we can vent together

ps- how goes the secretary?

Thursday, 04 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

•••••• DOWN WITH PINK RAZR'S! ••••••

Thursday, 04 May, 2006  
Blogger Rivky said...

hi. blogs are fun. I pluged you on my blog. I'll read it later.

Thursday, 04 May, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Thursday, 04 May, 2006  
Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

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Thursday, 04 May, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

this is so exciting. ok ok ok ok ok

madH: Yes and she is smokin' (ok maybe not)

anon: Thats the type of attn i want keep it coming mon

trix: thank you, im flattered.

sw/fm: Booyah. Of course you decided that im a girl.

Thursday, 04 May, 2006  
Blogger Rivky said...

I love the pink razor (but then I love pink and the razor looks nice.) 49.99@ radio shack

Thursday, 04 May, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

I heard it breaks alot. I think I would have to find a cover for it too. (50 bucks?) Well i get it with the plan so thats it.

Thursday, 04 May, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

The first one is always long. Are you fron yenem website, biznatch?

Friday, 05 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

razr's have sucky cameras. no substance.hakol hevel

Friday, 05 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

black and white cookies rock.
too tight cuz of the phone - maybe get bigger pants?
are those two related?
(wait, did i just call you fat?)

ps. i laughed at this one

Sunday, 07 May, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

bigger pants. But i wont give in. NEVA!!!

Sunday, 07 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i saw a guy with a pink phone i might be inclined to believe he got it to pick up girls... y'know, like puppies and such

Sunday, 07 May, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

I could post a pic. That would solve all picking up girls problems. Ill supply the vomit bags.

Sunday, 07 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw it and didnt vomit
so there

Thursday, 11 May, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

you must have a good gag reflex.

Thursday, 11 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps anonymous was talking about the phone?

Friday, 12 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i take it all back... your sefira beard is adorable (mt)

Friday, 12 May, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

I hate that stupid website. I have no control.

Sunday, 14 May, 2006  
Blogger rbtzn said...

i am officially commenting on a 3 month old post.

the razr (and all motorolas) officially suck.

verizon is the best, just v. expensive.

Monday, 07 August, 2006  
Blogger Cellar Door said...

yaaaaaaaaaaay a comment. woohoo

Monday, 07 August, 2006  

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